
Living in the Grace of Christ

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Articles, Ephesians, Exodus, James, Messages|Tags: , , |

One of my favorite passages in the Bible appears in the book of Exodus. I imagine you have heard the story. Moses had spent many days upon the top of Mount Sinai in the presence of God, receiving from Him various instructions, including the ten commandments. But the people waiting below, became restless and impatient. They compelled Aaron to make for them a golden calf to worship, such as they had once had in Egypt. [...]

God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

By |Categories: Articles, Deuteronomy, Ephesians, Genesis, Series: Nature of God|Tags: |

The three-in-one or trinitarian nature of God is perhaps one of the most difficult concepts to grasp when we contemplate the nature of God. But when we begin to understand this very foundational facet of His nature, we also gain insights into our relationship with Him and with one other. I have found that the trinitarian nature of God explains the why of many things. What do we mean by the Trinity? Sometimes people seem [...]

Living in Community

By |Categories: Ephesians, Exodus, Messages|Tags: , , |

Unless you have studied European Renaissance Literature, you may not know the name of John Donne. John Donne was born into a Catholic family in England in 1572. That may not seem significant to you, but due to laws previously passed by Queen Elizabeth I, anyone not faithfully attending the Church of England in those days was subject to fines, confiscation of property or imprisonment. In 1601, John Donne secretly married Anne More, grand-niece of [...]

Who is the King of Glory?

By |Categories: Ephesians, Isaiah, Messages|Tags: , |

From Professor Douglas O. Linder, UMKC School of Law: Although the 1995 criminal trial of O.J. Simpson for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman has been called "a great trash novel come to life," no one can deny the pull it had on the American public.  If the early reports of the murder of the wife of the ex-NFL football star (turned-NBC-sports-announcer) hadn't caught people's full attention, Simpson's surreal Bronco ride on [...]

God is Able

By |Categories: Articles, Ephesians, Hebrews, Series: Nature of God|Tags: , , |

Is anything too hard for God? Nothing. Nothing is impossible with God (Matt. 19:26). In all of Eternity, He does as He pleases and accomplishes with perfection every task He sets out to do (Ps. 135:6, Isa. 55:10-11). No purpose of His can be thwarted (Job 42:1-2). His power and authority are infinite. The entire universe burst into existence, not by the labor of His hands and the sweat of His brow, but by the [...]

Walk Worthy

By |Categories: Ephesians, Messages|Tags: , , |

In Ephesians chapter 4, Paul strongly urges the Christians to be more than just believers in Christ. He encourages them to become true followers who imitate Christ in their daily routine. He writes, Eph. 4:1 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, 3 [...]


By |Categories: Articles, Ephesians, Jeremiah, Recommended|Tags: , , |

How big is infinite? Can you imagine it? Try it. Start with something large. Maybe an elephant. Now imagine something larger… like a mountain. Can you picture something greater in your mind? The earth perhaps? You have heard how big it is and you have seen pictures of it, but can you really wrap your mind around how extensive it actually is? What about the sun? Or the entire solar system? You have seen drawings [...]

The Yoke of Partnership

By |Categories: Articles, Ephesians, Matthew|Tags: , |

In Matthew chapter eleven, we find Jesus teaching and preaching in the cities. He receives a message from John the Baptist–now sitting in prison–who asks whether or not He is really the Messiah who was foretold. After responding to John’s disciples, Jesus begins to lament the fact that so many people have rejected both He and John because they did not live up to their expectations. He says the people are like children who complain, [...]

A Fragrant Aroma

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Acts, Articles, Ephesians, Exodus, John, Luke|Tags: , , |

Have you been with Jesus? In the Book of Acts we are told that when the leaders and elders of the Jews heard unschooled, ordinary Peter speak, they were amazed and they recognized that he had been with Jesus. Was it because Peter had learned to carefully repeat the words of Jesus? No, it was because Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. The very presence of God was with Him. (Acts 4:5-13) The Apostle [...]

Does it Really Matter?

By |Categories: Colossians, Ephesians, John, Messages|Tags: |

If you and I were total strangers and I were to walk up to you, hand you a bottle containing an unidentifiable liquid and tell you to drink it, what would you do? For all you know, it could be a refreshing cool drink for a hot day. Or it could be a deadly poison. You might think it a little strange, politely refuse, and walk away. You might be curious and initiate a dialogue [...]

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