2 Corinthians

B.O.L.D. Holiness

By |Categories: 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Luke, Messages|Tags: |

What do you think of when you hear the word, “holiness”? Do you picture angels with harps? Do you have a vague image of Old Testament priests in the Temple? Do you think, “Holiness is for Super Saints like Mother Theresa and Billy Graham…” Do you groan inwardly and think, “Holiness Again? Time to tune out…” Does hearing the word “holiness” make you feel a little guilty? Maybe you find yourself thinking, “I’ve tried but [...]

Living in the Grace of Christ

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Articles, Ephesians, Exodus, James, Messages|Tags: , , |

One of my favorite passages in the Bible appears in the book of Exodus. I imagine you have heard the story. Moses had spent many days upon the top of Mount Sinai in the presence of God, receiving from Him various instructions, including the ten commandments. But the people waiting below, became restless and impatient. They compelled Aaron to make for them a golden calf to worship, such as they had once had in Egypt. [...]

The Grace of God

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Articles, Hebrews, Matthew, Series: Nature of God|Tags: , |

Have you ever felt like you didn’t deserve God’s grace? Well, that’s kind of the point. Grace is not something you deserve. In fact, the whole point of grace is that it blesses you with goodness and kindness that you do not deserve and have not earned. It is integral to the nature of God to be gracious. By His grace, God showers His people with mercy and compassion and lovingkindness. In fact, He bestows [...]

The Man of Sorrows

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Isaiah, John, Messages|Tags: , , , |

On the night of the Passover Feast, the night He was betrayed, Jesus knew exactly what was coming. Knowing He had but a few short hours, He chose to humble Himself and take on the role of a Servant. He laid aside His outer garments and attended to the needs of His disciples by washing their dirty feet (John 13:1-15). In one of the most beautiful Old Testament passages (Isa. 52:13-53:12), the prophet Isaiah writes [...]

A Fragrant Aroma

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Acts, Articles, Ephesians, Exodus, John, Luke|Tags: , , |

Have you been with Jesus? In the Book of Acts we are told that when the leaders and elders of the Jews heard unschooled, ordinary Peter speak, they were amazed and they recognized that he had been with Jesus. Was it because Peter had learned to carefully repeat the words of Jesus? No, it was because Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. The very presence of God was with Him. (Acts 4:5-13) The Apostle [...]

Everyday Faith

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Articles, Colossians, Hebrews, James, Matthew|Tags: , |

You believe in God. You trust Jesus as your Savior. You enjoy the fellowship of church on Sunday. But where does your faith fit in your everyday life? What is your reality? Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.” (Matthew 7:21) James added that anyone who is merely a hearer of [...]

New Year – New Beginnings

By |Categories: 2 Corinthians, Articles, Isaiah|Tags: , |

We celebrate the New Year with hope. The New Year gives us hope because it offers new possibilities and a chance to start fresh. New Year’s resolutions express our determination to do it better this time and not make the same mistakes. We are attracted to the new. Advertisers know it. They stamp “New and Improved!” on their products because they know it is sure to grab our attention. Kittens, puppies, newborn babies, and flowers [...]

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