
Review: The Truth Project with Dr. Del Tackett

By |Bible Study Reviews|

The Truth Project from Focus on the Family provides a Christian worldview via a 13-week small group study. Each one-hour video lesson, taught by Dr. Del Tackett, discusses the relevance and importance of living daily life from a biblical viewpoint. The Truth Project is an excellent study that explores in detail many of the underlying fallacies that prevent believers from experiencing the fullness of the abundant Christian life. For many, this may be a life [...]

Whatever is Not From Faith

By |Living by Faith|

In Romans chapter 14 (see also 1 Corinthians 8), Paul talks to the believers about their differing convictions. Because the meat they could purchase in the marketplace often had been sacrificed in pagan temples, some of the believers had chosen to avoid meat altogether and eat only vegetables. Others chose to eat the meat, knowing the many “gods” were not real gods and that there is only One True God and therefore meat is just meat. [...]

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