
When Life Gives You Lemons

By |Living by Faith, Sermon Transcripts|

The following is adapted from a talk given at a ladies luncheon, May 2022. A couple of months ago I was invited to speak at this luncheon on the topic, “When Life Gives You Lemons, ….” As I began to think about what I might share with you today, the first question that came to mind was this: What do people think of when they hear the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make [...]

The Opportune Moment

By |Living by Faith|

There are two Greek words used in the New Testament for time. The one we hear most often is chronos, which generally refers to chronological time. The other is kairos, which refers to “the right or opportune moment.” An ancient Greek poem inquires of Kairos, the Greek god of “the fleeting moment”, “And why does your hair hang over your face?    For him who meets me to take me by the forelock. And why, [...]

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