
The Doing Comes Out of the Being

By |Life in Christ, Sermon Transcripts|

Jesus and His disciples were gathered in the Upper Room. The disciples were looking forward to sharing a traditional Passover meal with Jesus. Everything had been prepared. But this evening was not going to be what the disciples were expecting. What Jesus had in store for them would change their world forever. They first began to realize the evening would be unlike any other when Jesus–their Master and Lord–wrapped a towel around His waist and [...]

Whatever is Not From Faith

By |Living by Faith|

In Romans chapter 14 (see also 1 Corinthians 8), Paul talks to the believers about their differing convictions. Because the meat they could purchase in the marketplace often had been sacrificed in pagan temples, some of the believers had chosen to avoid meat altogether and eat only vegetables. Others chose to eat the meat, knowing the many “gods” were not real gods and that there is only One True God and therefore meat is just meat. [...]

The Father Abiding in Me Does His Work

By |Holy Spirit|

As I opened the Scripture, God directed my attention to the fourteenth chapter of John. As I read and listened for what God wanted to say to me through this passage, I was awed by the insight He gave me and which I would now like to share with you. In the fourteenth chapter of John, Jesus is sharing with His disciples that He soon will be leaving them to return to His Heavenly Father, [...]

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