Nature of God

Eternal God

By |Categories: 1 Corinthians, Articles, Isaiah, Series: Nature of God|Tags: |

Our lives are constrained by time. Hours pass into days and seasons into years as time marches forward.  A child looks ahead and counts the hours long. A gray-haired man looks back and asks, “Where have the years gone?” The passage of time brings order to our lives. It gives us a frame of reference, a common standard by which we communicate and coordinate in community. For one, the number of his days on earth [...]

God is Able

By |Categories: Articles, Ephesians, Hebrews, Series: Nature of God|Tags: , , |

Is anything too hard for God? Nothing. Nothing is impossible with God (Matt. 19:26). In all of Eternity, He does as He pleases and accomplishes with perfection every task He sets out to do (Ps. 135:6, Isa. 55:10-11). No purpose of His can be thwarted (Job 42:1-2). His power and authority are infinite. The entire universe burst into existence, not by the labor of His hands and the sweat of His brow, but by the [...]

God Knows

By |Categories: 1 Corinthians, Articles, Psalms, Series: Nature of God|Tags: |

When we contemplate the nature of God, we may find ourselves puzzled, mystified, befuddled. We stand amazed, in awe, and slightly overwhelmed. The nature of God, to be honest, is more than we can fully take in all at once. But He understands. He is never confused or misinformed. He never makes a decision, as we do, based on faulty or incomplete knowledge or understanding. He is never fooled by deception – He is able [...]

God Who is Near

By |Categories: Articles, Psalms, Series: Nature of God|Tags: |

As human beings, we live with limitation. We may expand our reach, but there are boundaries we simply cannot cross. We cannot be in two places at once. But God is not limited by space or time. Space and time as we experience it are a part of God’s Creation. As Creator of the heavens and earth, God transcends His Creation. God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, is right here with us in the [...]

God the Creator

By |Categories: Articles, Isaiah, Psalms, Series: Nature of God|Tags: |

Do you not know? Have you not heard?  The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth  Does not become weary or tired.  His understanding is inscrutable. (Isaiah 40:28) When I think of God as Creator, I am reminded that He knows and understands. Because God created me, He understands me. He knows how I function, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He not only knows me, He knows all of His [...]

Who is Like the Lord Our God?

By |Categories: Exodus, Ezekiel, Isaiah, John, Messages|Tags: |

Who is like the Lord, Our God? He spoke, and all of Creation came into being from nothing. He spoke, and the wind and the waves obeyed. He spoke, and the sick were healed, the dead were raised, the demons were cast out. He is the Lord, our God, who says, Isa. 46:8 “Remember this, and be assured; Recall it to mind, you transgressors. 9 “Remember the former things long past, For I am God, [...]


By |Categories: Articles, Daniel, Exodus, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Revelation|Tags: , |

The few glimpses we have into the glory of our God are beyond our ability to even comprehend. Here are a few for you to read about and contemplate: God revealing Himself to Moses and the people of Israel from the heights of Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:1-20:21) God revealing Himself to the prophet Ezekiel, seated on His glorious throne and surrounded by the enigmatic and glorious cherubim and seraphim. (Ezekiel 1-2) God revealing Himself to [...]


By |Categories: Articles, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Psalms, Recommended|Tags: , |

Have you ever noticed that one of the first words toddlers often learn is, “Mine!” Sharing is something children must be taught, but a sense of ownership comes naturally. Culturally, there may be differing concepts regarding whether certain things are owned individually or corporately, or in regards to whether they can be owned at all. For example, when Europeans came to America, they had very different concepts of land ownership than Native Americans had. Europeans [...]

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