
When Life Gives You Lemons

By |Living by Faith, Sermon Transcripts|

The following is adapted from a talk given at a ladies luncheon, May 2022. A couple of months ago I was invited to speak at this luncheon on the topic, “When Life Gives You Lemons, ….” As I began to think about what I might share with you today, the first question that came to mind was this: What do people think of when they hear the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make [...]

My Pet Peeve

By |Spiritual Growth|

I have a little pet. I call him Peeve. He follows me around. He rarely leaves my side. He is a little mangy, and people say he’s angry. They call my poor Peeve names and say bad things about him, just because he bares his teeth, and snarls, and foams a little at the mouth. Well… I will admit he bites sometimes. That is, he bites others often. But in his defense, he only bites [...]

Trust is More Than a Word

By |Faith and Works, Sermon Transcripts|

A young man lay in his bed. He had lain there for some time now. He sighed dejectedly, rolled over, lay there some more, and then reached for the remote. Turning toward the TV, he grabbed the legs of his pajamas to adjust himself to a more comfortable position and turned on the television. He flipped through the stations until he came to a soccer game. He loved soccer. He watched for a while. As [...]

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