Easter Series

A collection of blog posts reflecting on the Biblical story of Easter, from the night Jesus was betrayed to the day he ascended into heaven.

Raised Up

By |Easter Series|

I often enjoy reading John Stonestreet’s blog on Breakpoint. In today’s post, John quoted an old Easter message from Chuck Colson talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you were not around in the days of the Nixon administration, you might not be familiar with the Watergate scandal. As an attorney, Chuck Colson served as Special Council to President Nixon from 1969 to 1970. He was one of seven political advisors convicted by a [...]

Prayer: In the Last Hours

By |Easter Series|

The Apostle John reminds us that, on the night He was betrayed, Jesus knew what was coming. As He gathered together with His disciples, preparing to celebrate the Passover, Jesus knew His betrayal would come by the hand of Judas Iscariot. He knew He would soon be returning to His Father, but He also knew exactly what He would have to endure to get there. Knowing all these things, Jesus calmly and lovingly washed the [...]

Easter Series: The Rest of the Story

By |Easter Series|

I love the words of the angels to the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven. After instructing them to remain together in Jerusalem and wait for the promised Holy Spirit, Jesus simply arose from the earth and disappeared into a cloud. From out of nowhere, two angels suddenly stood beside the disciples, saying, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, [...]

The Man of Sorrows

By |Easter Series, Sermon Transcripts|

On the night of the Passover Feast, the night He was betrayed, Jesus knew exactly what was coming. Knowing He had but a few short hours, He chose to humble Himself and take on the role of a Servant. He laid aside His outer garments and attended to the needs of His disciples by washing their dirty feet (John 13:1-15). In one of the most beautiful Old Testament passages (Isa. 52:13-53:12), the prophet Isaiah writes [...]

Easter Series: He is Risen!

By |Easter Series|

There’s a difference between knowing… and knowing. The disciples knew that Jesus was going to be raised up on the third day. He had told them so. He had explained it in so many words. But they just didn’t get it. Then He took the twelve aside and said to them, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished. [...]

Easter Series: Jesus at the Cross

By |Easter Series|

It began with the scourging. The Romans were experts at devising torture. A scourge was not just a whip; it was designed to dig into and tear up the flesh. The scourging Jesus received was so severe that He was unable to carry His own cross to His execution (Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26). And crucifixion was more than just a public execution. It wasn’t relatively quick like a hanging or beheading or lethal injection. Crucifixion [...]

Maundy Thursday: A New Commandment

By |Easter Series, Sermon Transcripts|

On the night He was betrayed, Jesus knew He had but a few hours before He would be handed over to the authorities. So, He gathered His beloved disciples around Him and shared with them those things which pressed most urgently on His heart. He began by washing their feet. We know that washing of the feet was a common practice. After all, the people wore sandals, if any shoes at all. And although major [...]

Easter Series: On the Night He Was Betrayed

By |Easter Series|

On the night He was betrayed, Jesus knew full well what He was about to suffer. As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and on the way He said to them, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and will hand Him over to [...]

Easter Series: Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man

By |Easter Series|

Sometimes people wonder, “Is Jesus really the only way? Is there truly no path to salvation through any other? Why Jesus?” After the miraculous events surrounding the birth of Jesus, His childhood years were spent in relative anonymity. We get a glimpse of Jesus at twelve years of age when He went with His family to attend the Passover Feast in Jerusalem. Traveling with a large caravan as they journeyed home, Jesus’ parents did not [...]

The Decisive Battle

By |Easter Series|

The decisive battle for salvation was won at the cross. But the decisive battle for the cross was won at Gethsemane. Each of the four gospels describes Jesus’ time of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Matthew, Mark and Luke all focus on Jesus agonizing over what He was about to face (Matt 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46). Being a physician, Luke describes in clinical detail the physical manifestation of the emotional and mental agony [...]

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