Spiritual Growth

What does the Bible say about spiritual growth and developing Christian character? Let’s talk about thankfulness, humility, patience, and lovingkindness.

B.O.L.D. Holiness

By |Sermon Transcripts, Spiritual Growth|

What do you think of when you hear the word, “holiness”? Do you picture angels with harps? Do you have a vague image of Old Testament priests in the Temple? Do you think, “Holiness is for Super Saints like Mother Theresa and Billy Graham…” Do you groan inwardly and think, “Holiness Again? Time to tune out…” Does hearing the word “holiness” make you feel a little guilty? Maybe you find yourself thinking, “I’ve tried but [...]

Being Thankful in Adversity

By |Spiritual Growth|

The Biblical book of Psalms is a collection of poetry, prose, and prayers. Many of the Psalms were written by David, the greatest of Israel’s kings. Several others are attributed to Asaph, a Levite who was appointed as chief minister of worship and song by King David. Still others are attributed to Solomon, David’s son and successor, or to the sons of Korah, Levites who were gatekeepers, songwriters and singers in the Temple. For several [...]

Living in the Midst of Uncertainty

By |Spiritual Growth|

There is an old-fashioned word we don’t hear very often in everyday speech. But it is a word that I like. I like it because it describes something I can hold onto, something I can depend on. That word is steadfast. According to Noah Webster, the word steadfast describes something or someone that is “Constant; firm; resolute; not fickle or wavering.” (Webster, 1828) Having something like that in my life helps me. It helps me [...]

Weathering the Storm

By |Spiritual Growth|

In the Gospels, we read of the day when Jesus calmed a fierce storm (Matt. 8:23-27, Mark 4:36-41, Luke 8:22-25). On this occasion, Jesus and the disciples were sailing from Capernaum, situated on the northwest coast of the Sea of Galilee, toward the land of the Geresenes in the southeast – a distance of about 11 or 12 miles. As they sailed, Jesus laid down on a cushion in the stern of the boat and [...]


By |Spiritual Growth|

What’s your favorite way to say thank you? Are you a note writer or a gift giver? Do you make a phone call or do you send a text? Maybe you prefer the personal touch – a quick hug and a big smile and a, “Thank you so-o-o much!” Thanksgiving. Giving thanks. There’s something about giving thanks that changes things. It makes a difference. As I was thinking about giving thanks on this Thanksgiving morning, [...]

Proud In Heart

By |Spiritual Growth|

There is sometimes confusion over what the Bible says about pride. On the one hand we are told, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (Jam 4:6, 1Pet 5:5) Then on the other hand, we see the Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians, saying he wants to give them an occasion to be proud of him. (2Cor 5:12, see also 2Cor 1:12-14, Phil 1:26) As is often the case, the lack of [...]

Thank • ful

By |Spiritual Growth|

THANK'FUL, adjective Grateful; impressed with a sense of kindness received, and ready to acknowledge it. [Webster’s 1828 dictionary] Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, walking between Samaria and Galilee. When He entered a certain village, ten leprous men approached and shouted out to him for mercy–keeping their distance as their illness required. Jesus looked at them and spoke, telling them to go and show themselves to the priests. According to the Law of Moses, [...]

The Heart of the Matter

By |Spiritual Growth|

Do you know what it means to be holy? The apostle Peter wrote, “…like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior…” (1 Peter 1:14-16) I believe in order to understand what Peter is saying, we need to first really understand what holiness is. And for me, the best way to understand holiness is by comparison. So, if you will bear with me a moment, let me try to explain [...]

Everyday Faith

By |Spiritual Growth|

You believe in God. You trust Jesus as your Savior. You enjoy the fellowship of church on Sunday. But where does your faith fit in your everyday life? What is your reality? Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.” (Matthew 7:21) James added that anyone who is merely a hearer of [...]

My Pet Peeve

By |Spiritual Growth|

I have a little pet. I call him Peeve. He follows me around. He rarely leaves my side. He is a little mangy, and people say he’s angry. They call my poor Peeve names and say bad things about him, just because he bares his teeth, and snarls, and foams a little at the mouth. Well… I will admit he bites sometimes. That is, he bites others often. But in his defense, he only bites [...]

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