
A Spiritual Lull

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For those of you who follow, you will have noticed it has been a while since I have posted. Although the timing of my online absence coincided with the social upheaval due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not the pandemic that precipitated my withdrawal from active blogging. Rather it has been what I can only describe as a spiritual lull. Some of you may have experienced what I mean. Or perhaps [...]

Living in Community

By |Relationships, Sermon Transcripts|

Unless you have studied European Renaissance Literature, you may not know the name of John Donne. John Donne was born into a Catholic family in England in 1572. That may not seem significant to you, but due to laws previously passed by Queen Elizabeth I, anyone not faithfully attending the Church of England in those days was subject to fines, confiscation of property or imprisonment. In 1601, John Donne secretly married Anne More, grand-niece of [...]


By |Relationships, Sermon Transcripts|

Worship leader Tommy Walker wrote a song titled, Only a God Like You* In it, he writes, My allegiance and devotion, My heart's desire and all emotion, Go to serve the Man Who died upon that tree It’s a great worship song. Do you know it? As I was singing this song on a Sunday morning, I found myself wondering, is it true of me? Is my heart’s desire and my emotion really wrapped up [...]

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