Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit and how does he work in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ? How can you recognize when he is at work in your life?

A Fragrant Aroma

By |Holy Spirit|

Have you been with Jesus? In the Book of Acts we are told that when the leaders and elders of the Jews heard unschooled, ordinary Peter speak, they were amazed and they recognized that he had been with Jesus. Was it because Peter had learned to carefully repeat the words of Jesus? No, it was because Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. The very presence of God was with Him. (Acts 4:5-13) The Apostle [...]

The Father Abiding in Me Does His Work

By |Holy Spirit|

As I opened the Scripture, God directed my attention to the fourteenth chapter of John. As I read and listened for what God wanted to say to me through this passage, I was awed by the insight He gave me and which I would now like to share with you. In the fourteenth chapter of John, Jesus is sharing with His disciples that He soon will be leaving them to return to His Heavenly Father, [...]

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