Faith and Works

Which is more important, faith or works? Do faith and works go together? Can I have faith without good works? Is faith without works really dead?

Putting Faith into Action

By |Faith and Works|

As Christians, many of us struggle to balance faith with works. Sometimes we lean too far in the direction of legalism and forget that we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Sometimes we lean too far the other direction assuming grace will cover us while we live in sin (Romans 6:1-2). James understood that faith and actions (works) go hand in hand. Either one without the other is worthless. Have you read through [...]

Head, Heart and Hands – Part 4

By |Faith and Works|

If you have been following along with me as we have been exploring faith of the head, heart, and hands, I appreciate your patience. I realize we have packed a lot of information into a very small space. I hope you have been able to take the time not only to read through the articles, but to re-read and think about whether you have primarily a faith of the head, heart, or hands and also [...]

Head, Heart and Hands – Part 3

By |Faith and Works|

If you have been thinking about whether you have a faith of the head (emphasizing thought), a faith of the heart (emphasizing passions), or a faith of the hands (emphasizing actions), you may have wondered which is more important. You may have even compared your faith expression to that of others and wondered which is the right kind of faith, and which is not. The truth is, all of them are right. And all of [...]

Trust is More Than a Word

By |Faith and Works, Sermon Transcripts|

A young man lay in his bed. He had lain there for some time now. He sighed dejectedly, rolled over, lay there some more, and then reached for the remote. Turning toward the TV, he grabbed the legs of his pajamas to adjust himself to a more comfortable position and turned on the television. He flipped through the stations until he came to a soccer game. He loved soccer. He watched for a while. As [...]

Head, Heart and Hands – Part 2

By |Faith and Works|

In part one, I wrote to you about loving the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our might (Deut. 6:5) and how we might use Dennis Hollinger’s paradigm of Head, Heart & Hands to help us understand what it means to live out that love in our everyday life. In this part, I want you to consider how to recognize expression of faith through your head, heart and hands [...]

Head, Heart and Hands – Part 1

By |Faith and Works|

“Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Deut. 6:4-5 This is the Shema, the most important verse of Scripture in Jewish worship. It is also the passage Jesus referred to as the greatest commandment in the Law. (Mark 12:29-30; Matt. 22:37; Luke 10:27) If this is the greatest commandment–the [...]

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