Monthly Archives: February 2015

Proud In Heart

By |Categories: 1 John, 2 Chronicles, Articles, Isaiah, Proverbs|Tags: , , |

There is sometimes confusion over what the Bible says about pride. On the one hand we are told, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (Jam 4:6, 1Pet 5:5) Then on the other hand, we see the Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians, saying he wants to give them an occasion to be proud of him. (2Cor 5:12, see also 2Cor 1:12-14, Phil 1:26) As is often the case, the lack of [...]

Spiritual Breakthrough . . . or not

By |Categories: Articles, Colossians, Genesis, Matthew|Tags: , , , , , |

Do you long for spiritual breakthrough? Do you long to see God work in miraculous ways in your life? Do you hear others talk about the power of God at work in their lives, but you are embarrassed to admit that you have not experienced it? Do you wonder why some Christians seem to experience something more in their faith? I have come to understand that it is in the nature of God to work [...]

The Yoke of Partnership

By |Categories: Articles, Ephesians, Matthew|Tags: , |

In Matthew chapter eleven, we find Jesus teaching and preaching in the cities. He receives a message from John the Baptist–now sitting in prison–who asks whether or not He is really the Messiah who was foretold. After responding to John’s disciples, Jesus begins to lament the fact that so many people have rejected both He and John because they did not live up to their expectations. He says the people are like children who complain, [...]

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